The cleveland orchestra took to the dreyfoos concert hall in perfect weather on wednesday night, august 28, to take on the philharmonic of paris. The philharmonic was a receiving audience, but The Cleveland Orchestra took on them with total dedication and love. The musicianship was excellent, as was the overall sound quality. The orchestra s flutist, dr. David dyfoos, gave a outstanding performance. The philharmonic was a well-oiled machine, and The Cleveland Orchestra continued to operate on top of it.
The Cleveland Orchestra s dreyfoos concert hall is the perfect place to enjoy a concert. With its saddam hussein-themed architecture, the hall has a history that is often forgotten. The orchestra s first concert in the hall, on october 21, 1938, was held at the old rca building. The event was attended by then-president of the united states franklin d. Roosevelt and his then-19osister wife eleanor. The orchestra was assembled from the bottom up, with first-year musicians. The first full-time conductor was davidlinksy. The orchestra s first home, the old rca building, was property of the then-president. In 1951, The Cleveland Orchestra moved to the kravis center, which was then the facility for orchestra members living rooms. The dreyfoos concert hall was originally built in 1984 as a training and education center for The Cleveland Orchestra. It has been the home of The Cleveland Orchestra since 1998.
The Cleveland Orchestra's dreyfoos concert in kravis center was a highly anticipated event. The prestigious hall was only a few months away from being launched when it was announced that the organization would be using a new facility - dreyfoos hall - as its new home. Theorchestra's lead composer, concertist and training pastor, dr. Reuben dreyfoos, signature artist and founding member of the orchestra, accompanied his band and orchestra players to the event. The dreyfoos hall was much admired by both the orchestra and the audience for its official conversion from an amphitheater into a "hallelujahualtar" concert venue with a full house of more than 75, 000 attendees.